Martin 21st January 2022

Lipson head teacher Martin Brook has led an outpouring of praise for Stevie Mitchell, science teacher at Lipson Academy who died this week. In his weekly blog, published on the Academy website,, Mr Brook also thanked staff and pupils for their "overwhelming" response to their collective sadness. "Unfortunately, there is only one place to start this week and that is to pay tribute to Science teacher Stevie Mitchell, who sadly passed away on Monday," wrote Mr Brook in his blog. "Stevie was a popular and well-respected colleague who will be sadly missed by those who worked with him and he had a big impact on many of the students that he taught. "It was difficult having to communicate the news with staff and students at the start of the week but the response from everyone has been quite overwhelming. "It is at times like this that we see what a very special place Lipson is and I really can't thank the whole school community enough for the way that they have responded. "We have set up a book of condolence and there are some very moving comments in there, as well as some very amusing ones. "I would like to remember Stevie as a relentlessly positive and cheerful member of staff who showed remarkable strength and resilience. I have never before seen a teacher delivering live lessons from his own bed but such was his determination to continue teaching when he wasn't well enough to physically get into school, that is exactly what he did! "Rest in peace, Mr Mitchell." Mr Brook also praised Lipson's older students for the way they have tackled the start of a period of examinations. He said: "As difficult as the week has been, it has been important that we tried to keep things as normal as possible and, with a few tweaks and adjustments here and there, it has been to everyone's credit that it has felt very much like business as usual. "It is exam season and this has affected not only Years 11 and 13 but also Year 10 who did their first English mock this week in preparation for their formal exam in the summer. "The approach of all the students has been excellent and we are cautiously optimistic about what summer will bring. "I hope you all have a restful weekend and, if the week has taught us anything, it is to take nothing for granted. "I have felt incredibly proud once again this week to be the headteacher of this amazing school." #LipsonLife💙