Sam showing off on his skateboard only months after breaking his back!
Yes, but how do I get out?
Just where you need to be in a lockdown.
Stevie being, well, Stevie
Sammy's memorial painting by Libby
Trust Sam to know how to recycle cardboard!
Sam in the garden with his tortoise.
May 2020
New haircut.
Sam and Josh's partner Jodie, stuck in Plymouth, no hotel rooms because of a Tom Jones concert
Josh and Jodie with Lynzi Sam's new friend.
James - a long-term dear friend to Stevie and father of Hugo
Josh Sam's long-term dear friend with Mr. Frodo, Lynzi's dog.
Sam with Lynzi, enjoying xmas 2021.
Xmas 2021
I hate the word awesome, but awesome he was.
See he really was landed gentry, a true gentleman
Say cheese, Mr. Frodo.
Let's Rock Exeter, September 2021
Stevie out with Abi
Stevie and our new friend Estelle, he made a friend everywhere he went
Another new jacket!
Sam wearing Dad's shirt
Sam by the new Puma
Eve and her baby broth
A christmas puzzle from Sam, genius level, but we did it Sam!!!!
Little did he know he was being watched.
Let's Rock Exeter, September 2021. Stevie and Jodie + our new friends Rachel and Estelle ❤️
Stevie on one of the world's narrowest streets, Parliament Street, Exeter. August 21
Check out the pout, Sept 21
Stevie educating me on physics (a lost cause)
Sept 21
December 2021
Christmas 2021 celebrating with Lynzi and her family
I can't remember why we took this one...
August 2021
With sister, brother and nieces
Stevie and Josh chilling in Northernhay Gardens, Exeter Sept 21
September 21
05-12-2021 Stevie and I at Hugo's (his godson) 1st birthday!
Little Sam, wasn't he so cute!
Sam and his Dad at Whitsands
Sam in primary school photo
Sam and his Dad, he was 27, hugged me all his life
Sam aged about 3 and his Dad, Portwrinkle
Sam in the grunge days
Sam and Adam
Sam and Adam
Karen, Adam and Sam
Sam deep in thought :-D
Sam with his niece, brother and sister in law
Brothers - Sam and Adam
Adam and Sam
Sam and Soni
Little Hugo Sam's godson. Son of Takara and James.
Sam and his Mum, Cotehele Quay
Sam and his Mum, fascinated by the night skies always
Sam and his Dad
Our last Xmas present from Stevie ❤️ thinking fondly of the many hours spent around the dining table playing various games, listening to music and laughing
Sam first visit after we moved in 2020
Sam taken in 2016, he was obviously preparing for Covid
Moonlight over St. Paul's. Sam's photo of his local church.
Sam's atmospheric picture of Yelverton fog.
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Sam, Tiffany and Rebecca
Stevie (Sam) and Tiffany
The Han Solo pendant given to Stevie by Tiffany for their 10th anniversary. He wore it always.
Sam - always the poser!
Love the glasses!
The more normal look
Sam (Stevie) as a young man
Sam starting at DHS for boys
Stevie as a man starting DHS for Boys again
Mug shot for Aquarium pass
Stevie being a pirate
Stevie and Jamie. He loved them so much and they him
A suspicious look on his face
LARP where many close and long lasting friendships were forged. Stevie is in this picture (hint - bottom left)
Stevie's LARP picture commissioned by all his friends in the LARP group
Lucy and Rebecca’s naming ceremony, Stevie was make a guide parent to both girls.
You didn't need this badge to show how good you were.
Stevie put great care, creativity and skill into his miniatures. Here is the delightful result of an idea that we shared that Wood Elves would dress for Autumn.
Our first meeting ❤🐷 - Eggbuckland school 2002 from Rosie x
Stevie when we went to Beautiful Days Festival 2015
Our Hayle holiday 2015
Stevie took a sneaky photo of Rosie!
Something I'll treasure.
Stevie (Sam) and Loki
I’ve added Loki’s collar to our bears so all 3 are together again.
The psychic death ray spot!
Loki’s paw prints 🐾. I know how much Stevie missed her.
Stevie was there when this one came in to the world screaming and decided, despite my objections, that we were keeping him.
Iceland for my 30th x
Just a regular day at Game
Entry from memorial book
My son Sam and I, Dartmoor
Happy Birthday Stevie 🖤 we had planned for a joint one this year but it wasn't meant to be! X
Stevie, James and Jodie Oct 2021
Stevie's and Tiffany's bears reunited - a pair of well treasured bears
Stevie and Abi
Sam being cheeky on his birthday
Sammy on Dartmoor
Our Sammy always the power!
Days on the beach
Always up to mischief
Many a day spent at Hawkers Cove
Another present!
By one of the students at Lipson
Stevie's staff photograph, Lipson school
He was proud of himself for achieving this but I think we were prouder.
Wow looking posh!
Don't think this was Corvid secure!
From Josh and Jodie for Stevie"s new job at Lipson School
Photograph taken at Museum of the Moon, Exeter Cathedral Feb '22. Stevie would have loved it 🖤 We lit a candle at the cathedral while we were there.
Just a little tired!
August 2021
Festival boy -, Let's Rock
Sammy Sausage as Eve always called him
Stevie with Hugo in the back
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Sam made the national finals for his model making and painting.
August 2021 Exeter train
Came across this picture of young Stevie the other day. Back in 2002 at Eggbuckland school
Torquay autumn 2021
Always looking up!
Action shot
Sunny, happy days in Exeter ❤️
My favourite day with Stevie 🖤
Teresa, Sam and Soni at Paighton Zoo
Christmas 2009
He couldn't quite reach the pedals!
Sam and his fish tank
A happy boy
Eve and baby brother Sam
Sam the train driver
September 2021 obviously thinking hard!
Walking with us to Penlee Point
Sam and his friend Jess
Adam and Sam, Slapton Sands
Up to his neck as usual
September 2021
September 2021
Teresa and Sam Burrator
Sam and Puss Puss
August 2021
November 2017
Sam visiting Iceland with Rosie in March 2017
Saltram Christmas 2018
Josh and Stevie doing what they did best
September 2018
Sam walking with us at Yelverton.
Sammy, Teresa (his mum) and Webster the spider
So many days at the beach, wonderful memories that can't be taken away.
Happy Days, days we will remember
An elephant ride
New haircut
Always loved the head gear
Baby Sam and he always went to spin the green one, it got really worn,
Covid days
Christmas 2016
Sam and Jess 2019
Sam playing with photo effects sent this to us (us being Mum and Dad)
January 2019, what's with the head gear?
August 2020
November 17 2021
Sams OU project field trip 2017 06 27 019
Gem bridge
View from Gem Bridge
The swing
Ready to swing
Give us a push Dad
Swinging by Gem bridge on the Drakes Trail July 2018
Sammy on interview for his PGCE
Sammy loved his Physics ties
Sammy loved the preparation for Christmas
Chess Game, the unfinished one.
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Hide and seek on the beach!
Scary wearing a tie
Peace for once!
Sammy, his first sports day, always eager, always my boy!,
Our much loved cute little boy, such happy days
Uncle Sam! with Indra
February 2003 Plymouth Barbican
Sam January 2003
Sam Eden Project 2000
May the 4th be with you Stevie ❤️
Sam and Hugo
"We finally have the first look at our Milky Way black hole, Sagittarius A*. It’s the dawn of a new era of black hole physics" 12/5/22. Wish you were here to see it Stevie. 🌌
Now there is cute and very cute!
Sam and Clair Eden Project 2000
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What a big Teddy and cute dungarees!
Christmas 2021
Sam with his Mum and Nan
Armies on Parade winner's gold medallion won by Sam in he Plymouth Warhammer competition in 2013
August 2009 at home with us
xmas 2009
Sam, Jaz & Jade 💙
A vary rare picture of adult Stevie in shorts from 2008